An inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive

We recognise our people as our greatest asset and crucial to the future success of our business. Together we achieve more, and our goal is to create a rewarding place to work, where diversity and inclusion are celebrated, everyone’s health and wellbeing are a priority.

Our Investors in People Gold status reflects our people management and development excellence. With a major emphasis on learning and development, we support the full spectrum of career and progression routes, from site-based trainees to resident liaison and senior management positions.

We actively support and encourage our people, every step of the way.

nurturing growth

Creating value through our people

We take pride in our people. Through extensive training and investment, we give our people the confidence and ability to realise their potential, empowering them to deliver the best outcomes for our clients.

We place a strong emphasis on continuous professional and are proud to have apprentice and graduate schemes to nurture the growth and development of new talent, under the guidance and mentorship of senior members of the team.

Our people discussion group smiling and talking

united and inclusive

Fostering inclusion and diversity

At United Living, we’re committed to creating an inclusive and diverse working environment, where our employees are proud to be themselves.

We believe that having a diverse workforce not only sets us up for success, but it allows for greater opportunities. Greater life experiences equal greater innovation, adaptability and wide-ranging capabilities.

We are fully committed to our United and Inclusive Action Plan to improve and build on equality, diversity and inclusion across our workforce.

People surrounding a desk in an office talking and smiling


Health, safety and wellbeing

The health, safety and wellbeing of our workforce, supply chain, and general public is paramount for United Living. It’s also the reason for our drive to develop a zero-harm culture.

Our unwavering commitment is that everyone connected with United Living, should and will return home safe and well, every single day. We continually innovate and invest in safety measures and principles, to make this a reality.

In 2023, United Living was awarded a RoSPA Gold Award for the ninth year running, demonstrating our commitment to high health and safety standards.

We also work hard to create a working environment where our employees can talk openly about mental health and get support when they need it. Through our partnership with mental health charity, Mind, we are raising awareness about the importance of wellbeing in the workplace, to reduce any stigma around poor mental health, and to provide our people with clear guidance should they ever need it.

United living employee looking up at newly constructed building


Proud of our accreditations

5% club gold member logo
Investors in people
Rospa gold award
considerate constructors scheme logo
armed forces covenant supporters
acca logo

© UNITED LIVING HOLDINGS LIMITED. Registered No: 10523632. VAT Number: 865246406