our approach
Our pathway to zero
United Living will use a range of tools to reach net zero. Our approach to decarbonisation is guided by our low-carbon roadmap, which sets out a number of key aims and deliverables. These have been designed to ensure we get the balance right between reducing our own impact, whilst still working to provide essential services.
We’ll continually implement sustainable and innovative practices to help us reach our emission reduction targets, including low-carbon fuels, low-emission vehicles, sustainable energy sources, alternative working practices, and value chain collaboration.
Every year, we will publish our direct emissions, covering 100% of our direct operations, ensuring that we provide a transparent reflection of our impact on climate change. We’ll continue to report our carbon footprint in accordance with government legislation (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR).
Zero avoidable waste
From the materials we consume and the waste we generate, our strategy aims to significantly reduce our impact from waste. We’re committed to eliminating single-use plastic in our supply chain, supporting a circular economy.
Whilst we aim to eliminate waste where possible, we will continually seek opportunities for good outcomes from the waste that we do produce. This includes donating suitable waste material to charities, community groups and social enterprises, to achieve a positive social impact and benefit to wider society.